Sunday, April 14, 2013

Do you feel that you have no control over your bad decisions and your bad habits? 

In Chapter 1 the Anatomy of a Habit, Joyce Meyer reminds us not to fall for the lie that we cannot help why we do what we do.  She says that when we first form habits those habits form us!  We are what we repeatedly do.  She goes on to encourage us not to think about what we are trying to stop doing (the bad habit, eating the junk food, etc.) instead focus on the new thing you are trying to accomplish.  This statement jumped out at me, the bad habits in our lives are our enemies.   They are hindering us from being the person we want to be.  Be brave and ask yourself who could you be if you broke those bad habits? I asked that question of myself. 

“What are the bad habits stealing from Leanne’s life? “

For me that answer would probably a better quality of life; going on vacations to amusement parks, ridding the rides, running with my child, being healthier, and not to mention paying less for clothes.

So how are we to change and turn away from the habits that are keeping us from who we want to be? One of the ways is to use scripture. 

One of our Focus Scriptures for this study is going to be:

However, I say, walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit [responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit]; then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (of human nature without God). Galatians 5: 16

According to this scripture if I have a habit of living and walking with the Holy Spirit then I will not gratify myself cravings with the lusts of the flesh. Let that be our prayer!

Start focusing on this scripture and let it empower you to make changes in your choices.


Lord help us to take the words in this chapter to heart, Lord allow the words of our focus scripture to plant deep within our hearts, help us to make you Holy Spirit our habit so that we will not crave the things of the flesh~ In Jesus Name Amen!

Thanks for allowing me to walk through this journey with you, hugs Leanne!

See you again for day 1 of Chapter 2.

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